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Thursday, July 28, 2011

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Apparently she's dead at her young age 27 due to overdose of alcohol & drugs.. Although i'm not her fan but i personally think that she's a very talented singer.So i feel kinda sad to see such talented singer ended her life that!what a big waste rite? sigh >: so ppl!! pls appreciate what u have now n pls APPRECIATE ur life!!PS: PLS say NO to drugs kay!HELLO?!there are many alternate ways to distress kay?! Cheer life (:

Our fav drink- ''sa lei''

Dinner spent in Serdang! <:

Salted Egg Squid

Ngek ngek ngek~slurps! xp

Yummy froggie porridge ^-^

<3 dis porridge,located in Serdang <:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nite view of The Curve (:

Mm~ we went for a walk in THE CURVE after our dinner..hee..luv!^.^

My fattiee 'da mao chong' bf.. lmao XD

My bf looks like a big fatty worm to me cs of his thick eye brows!<3 Omgawsh! did u c how round is his face nw? LMAO!he put on so much weight n his gf-mee~~ lost weight,instead!ngek ngek!cauze i feed him alot with my leftover food!i feel so evil.. >.<


Yaa.. i'm so satisfied wif my dinner on last sunday!hee~

TA~DAA~ dinner of our nite (:

i noe u gona drool at them cs i'm drooling at them now!i feel like having them now!!>.< noo~


Our fav-CHOCOLATE PIE <3 omg~it's so tasty loo~ ^-^

Bf's portion (:

I kinda like the minty herbs gravy..slurps xp

meatball!! *slurps xp

Bf was in a good mood tat day i guess.. or mayb cs i behaved well..v guai~haha~tats y he immediately fetched me to IKEA for meatball when i told him tat i was craving for it! ^0^

WTF?? RM5 for a vegetarian pasta!

It's so cheap until u won't blive ur own eyes when u saw the price!! it's so worth d price cs it super big portion!my bf finished it up for me at d end (:

What a thoughtful idea of IKEA- food trolley?lolx

Omgawsh~ it's so convenient to have it! <3 it to d max! <: bf pushing it to the counter..

My fav rice cake <:

Sis's fav too! ngom ngom ^-^

Korea House

HOHOHO!!! my fav of all- KIMCHI!! ^-^
Ya.. i noe i went thre many times! but dis time wf my beloved sis <:
n ya..once again..we were d oni customers!LMAO XD
PS: LOCATED in ss15, opposite SJMC..1ST FLOOR,same roll as those japanese restaurant. Pls go for their lunch promotion!! cauze it's so cheap and their kimchi is so tasty compared to DAORAE~ lolx!i'm actually promoting for KOREA HOUSE! xp

Next food ''stop''.. BAK KUT TEH in klang ^0^

HOHOHO!! My v 1st BKT in klang.. their herbal soup is much more beta than subang one lo..

>.< The TOMYAM soup is so sour~but nicee.. <:

MEE & ML ^-^



GRRR~~ y dis pic look so blur?!sobs >: nyway, credit to VV VIVIEN for grilling 'satay' for us!GAMSAHAMIDA UNNIE <3

''88'' BBQ steamboat in Klang ^0^

Yummy! ^-^ yar..we pampered ourselves with good food after stress as usual!hahaha XD so fat la IA09CD


See!i still had fun doing it with my very ''chan''face!lol >.<


yes!maggie cooking session in d room!!i know dis is crazy @.@ but honestly it was my 1st time doin it!Nevertheless,v had fun!lolx! ^0^

oh~owh~ i know we messed up ur place, mei li..sry >.<

World War 2 began!*huiti* work hard in korean..lolx!
Our lappies on work now! @.@

During assessment..*charm T___T

I felt thoroughly sad & pity for me n my classmates who went through all these.. see.. this was how mei li, my classmate fell asleep on her bed!lmao XD